Dr. Seidel führt viele der Schwangerschaftsabbrüche hier in Wien durch.

Dr. Johannes Seidel

Dr. Nather führt die restlichen Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Wien durch.

Dr. Andreas Nather

Der Anästhesist Dr. Wimmer ist bei jedem Schwangerschaftsabbruch dabei und überwacht die örtliche Betäubung.

Dr. Thomas Wimmer


Those who have finalised the planning for their personal life circumstances, or if there is a medical need, can have a sterilisation of the man or woman performed at Woman & Health.

Sterilisation of the Woman

When sterilising a woman the Fallopian tubes are tied off or severed, which blocks the path of the sperms to the ovary/or the ovum to the uterus.

The operation is performed via laparoscopy during a brief general anaesthesia by the physicians from Woman & Health at the hospital. The natural cycle remains intact, ovulation continues to take place, a lasting infertility is mostly – and immediately – guaranteed. Therefore this operation is generally not performed at an age of under 25 years.

In some cases hormonal imbalances and early onset of menopause symptoms can occur after sterilisation. Sterilisation does nothing to curtail the risk of sexual diseases.

In manchen Fällen kann es nach einer Sterilisation zu Hormonschwankungen und frühzeitigen Wechselbeschwerden kommen. Die Sterilisation wirkt nicht gegen das Risiko von Geschlechtskrankheiten.

Additional information on sterilization of women can be found at: Sterilisation of the woman.

Sterilisation of the Man (Vasectomy)

The sterilisation of the man, also vasectomy, is a surgical procedure during which the spermatic ducts (ductus deferens) in the man’s scrotum are severed or stopped (ligature).

This operation is performed under local anaesthesia. The hormone production by the testicles, as well as the erection function are maintained, prevention isn’t guaranteed until 3 months after the operation.

In rare cases chronic pain can occur as a side effect, which is also called Post-Vasectomy Pain Syndrome, as well as fibrosis (growth and hardening of the tissue) or testicular back pressure.

A reverse operation is generally listed with a patency rate of 80%, the chance for success – after the first operation – exists for up to ten years.

Additional information on vasectomy can be found at: Vasectomy.